Stressed about your wedding planning? We were too! That is why we built MarryBirds - your stress-free wedding planning assistant.
Explore wedding venues, suppliers, themes, vibes and see what you like.
Explore wedding venues, suppliers, themes, vibes and see what you like.
Set a budget, decide on your wedding style, vision, priorities and what you would like to achieve. Decide on your vendors, prepare logistics, accessibility and track your budgets.
Set a budget, decide on your wedding style, vision, priorities and what you would like to achieve. Decide on your vendors, prepare logistics, accessibility and track your budgets.
Draft a guest list, communicate through MarryBirds, and keep everyone up-to-date.
Draft a guest list, communicate through MarryBirds, and keep everyone up-to-date.
Limited Time Offer
It makes us unique, fast and easy to approach. It makes us able to ship what you always wanted from your dream wedding planning software.
We're a remote business founded in Zurich, Switzerland by Minami and Fredd.
Chat with us anytime.